Physical Therapy medical billing service provider | Bikham Healthcare |

The financial health of your physical therapy practice is directly dependent on clear-concise billing and swift account reimbursement. Hiring a quality billing service provider is one of the most important decisions you’re going to make for the business aspect of your operation. It’s vital that your physical therapy medical billing service provider has the necessary specialty specific experience pertaining to a physical therapy treatment cycle and the codes involved in the same.

Proper knowledge of the codes involved during billing is vital to ensure that the claims filed aren’t met with denials. Denials directly hurt the financial sustainability and your operation’s ability to grow. Further along, the knowledge of modifiers is also vital, for treatment cycles can often tend to be complicated and lengthy. The proficiency of your physical therapy medical billing provider will directly affect the finances of your practices.

Physical Therapy medical billing service

At Bikham Healthcare we ensure the back-end of your operation is under the watchful eye of industry experts who have a wealth of experience backing their expertise. After careful analysis of your practice, we evaluate the points of optimization and subsequently employ strategically thought out suite of solutions.

We dedicate our expertise to ensure your overhead costs are significantly reduced while minimizing claim rejections and following up on Account receivables. When your billing is handled by a team of experts your in-house efficiency improves as a result.

Physicians can go back to focusing on what they do best!
Providing quality treatment and not worry about being reimbursed for services rendered. Our dedicated billing experts ensure you have more time to devote to your practice and more time to yourself. With practice management software in place, you’re enabled to enjoy absolute transparency throughout the whole process and watch every single action set in motion by our team.

A team of dedicated specialists works tirelessly ensuring consistent revenue cycle management. Your revenue stream is streamlined and the efficiency constantly improved.

Physical Therapy medical billing service

Our set of services are meticulously planned and completely customizable to fit your needs. We have you covered.

The clients we service range from individual physical therapists to large-scale clinics, the services are tailored such that they cater to all without fail.

With the wealth of over 13 years of experience, Bikham Healthcare expertise is evident in the end product we’ve consistently provided for the better course of over a decade. HIPPA compliance and ISO/IEC: 27001:2013 further solidifies our acumen as a top-quality billing provider. Along with taking care of your billing and coding our outsourcing model is carefully devised after strategic market analysis to make sure maximum efficiency achieved.

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